New Ultrasonic Cleaner

Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece

Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece
Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece
Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece
Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece
Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece
Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece
Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece
Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece
Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece
Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece

Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece    Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece

The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON OUR POLICY AND FEEDBACK. Feedback if you are satisfied with our items.

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Please repack the item carefully. 510(K) Number: K163414 Regulation Number: 872.4850 Product Code: ELC. Regulation Number: 21 CFR 872.6070.
Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece    Auto Bottles Dental Ultrasonic Cleaner Scaler for DTE SATELEC + Extra Handpiece